My “Musings” posts will have no defined scope or purpose. I will be writing them just for fun as I strive to develop skill as a writer of creative non-fiction. I have a long way to go, but hope that others will find some of these posts thought-provoking or just fun to read.
Subway Diary # 2: The Underground Banjo Player
This is the second in a series of Subway Diary entries: snapshots of life’s noteworthy experiences underground in NYC. The events described here took place in late January as I zig-zagged my way around Manhattan on crowded subways before COVID-19 restricted my ability...
Subway Diary #1
A lot of people these days bitch about our New York City subways--with reason. The MTA’s finger-in the-dike campaign to repair our antique system continually scrambles the system and peoples’ lives: They’re late for work; they can’t get home when they’re weary after...
Untethered in Europe – Circa 1974
This is the story of a solo journey in an untethered era…
Resurrecting The 23d Psalm
I have long kept a secret that most who know me would find surprising.
Martha’s Vineyard–circa 1969
My trip to the Vineyard, just one chapter in my futile quest for Lindsay Parker, was off to a farcical start.
Transitioning – Boomer Style
When I ask friends what they’re up to these days a startling number of them tell me they’re “transitioning”– or thinking and worrying about it.
The Life of My Dad Ray
Last month I had to give the eulogy for my father, who passed away shortly before turning 90.
Our 47th Reunion Beckoned
Survivors of the Dobbs Ferry High School class of 1970–including me–felt a tug to come together in this oddest of years at our 47th reunion.
Cry Of The Lambs
I asked Angus about the wool: How and when are the sheep sheared? Who do you sell it to and what do they do with it? The answer was initially stunning.
My First Paid Advertising Gig
There a great story behind this photo, proudly displayed outside the door of our NYC apartment.