New York’s Parole Process Is In Need Of Repair
You may have read the cover article in last Sunday's New York Times Magazine about the quest for parole by James Morgan, a man serving a life sentence in California. If not, I would recommend can read it here.The article provides an important overview of the...
Untethered in Europe – Circa 1974
This is the story of a solo journey in an untethered era…
Resurrecting The 23d Psalm
I have long kept a secret that most who know me would find surprising.
Martha’s Vineyard–circa 1969
My trip to the Vineyard, just one chapter in my futile quest for Lindsay Parker, was off to a farcical start.
Transitioning – Boomer Style
When I ask friends what they’re up to these days a startling number of them tell me they’re “transitioning”– or thinking and worrying about it.
Lessons From A Life In The Law
In this post, I share the five most important lessons I learned from my career in law.
The Life of My Dad Ray
Last month I had to give the eulogy for my father, who passed away shortly before turning 90.
Lifting The Veil Of Pain
I’ve been thinking a lot about pain recently. Not because I’m in pain, but because for the first time in years I’m out of it.
Our 47th Reunion Beckoned
Survivors of the Dobbs Ferry High School class of 1970–including me–felt a tug to come together in this oddest of years at our 47th reunion.
Tips for Battling Cancer
While I wouldn’t have wished for cancer, I wouldn’t trade my new life for my old one.