Cry Of The Lambs
I asked Angus about the wool: How and when are the sheep sheared? Who do you sell it to and what do they do with it? The answer was initially stunning.
Battling Cancer: Restructuring and Enjoying Your New Life
While I certainly wouldn’t have wished for cancer, I’m happy with my “new life,” and don’t pine for the old one.
My First Paid Advertising Gig
There a great story behind this photo, proudly displayed outside the door of our NYC apartment.
Hitchhiking To Riverside, Wyoming – Population 87
The plan, if you could call it that, had been for me to hitchhike out to California and then up to Oregon.
How To Become A Trusted Advisor
Young professionals in a wide array of fields will have the opportunity to become a trusted advisor.
My Short Career In The Meat Business
It wasn’t my first job in the meat business. My short career in the industry began in the summer of 1968.
Riding The Waves Of Time
Getting older reminds me of wading into a rough surf at the beach and then ducking or jumping the waves as you wade out.
The Case For A Gorsuch Filibuster
If Neil Gorsuch is confirmed he will likely sit on the Supreme Court for thirty or more years.
Coming to Grips with the News that You’ve Got Cancer
My initial reaction to this “death notice” will sound familiar to many cancer patients.
Battling Cancer – For The Most Part Happily
This is the story of the twisted road I’ve travelled over the past four years attempting to navigate through the shoals of cancer, open-heart surgery and related medical adventures, all the while (or mostly) enjoying life and the silver linings that have emerged. I...